Jericho decides he is going to rob a train in order to steal its gold locked in the massive safe. The game never bogs down from too much action and the whole visual ambience just looks right, in terms of the game's horror theme.

Darkwatch ps2 iso iso#
ISO download page for the game: Darkwatch (PS2) - File: Darkwatch (USA).torrent - EmuRoms.ch Most Popular Sections. Não hospedamos nenhum arquivo no nosso servidor. It's a clever little idea that allows for some replay-ability for when you finally beat the game. or these PS2 Shooter ISOs! Running amok in the 1870's Jericho Cross is known as an outlaw and thief. massive rom Emulators and Extra waiting you on Wowroms! In Darkwatch, you play a genuine badass outlaw by the name of Jericho Cross. Darkwatch is an action packed Wild West FPS in which the player takes on the role of a cowboy who becomes cursed with vampiric powers.

Tamanho: 2.15 GB, mam o link do drive, não baixa ele fala que deu erro, tem como vcs uparem no mediafire. FREE ROMs ISOs Download for SNES, NES, GBA, PSX, MAME, PS2, PSP, N64, NDS, ps1 - Welcome to wowroms a sort of vampire night vision. I said it in my other review the game sorely is lacking a strong plot and storyline. Aqui você encontra jogos para: PS1, PSP, PS2, N64 e mais! I noticed that the game does help you out a bit and gives you a bit of an auto-aim assist.